1. Heading elements

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Heading 5
Heading 6

2. Paragraph element

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Eum necessitatibus commodi iusto quod exercitationem, quae hic nisi quis, similique maiores mollitia sed voluptates ratione? Itaque officia reiciendis facilis eius esse.

3. Break element

this paragraph will break here and
continues here

4. Abbreviation element

The CPU is the brain of the computer

5. link element

Click to open google

6. Ordered list

  1. Printer
  2. monitor
  3. keyboard

7. Unordered list




8. Description list

Java Script
Dynamic web scripting.
Server-side runtime.
UI library.

9. Table element

First Name Last Name age
kani mozhi 19
saran saba 20
sounth arya 21

10. bold element

this text is bold

11. italic element

this text is italic

12. Underline text element

this text is underlined

13. small text element

this text is too small and not too important

14.Superscript element

price : 349 99 $

15. Subscript element

scientific name of water is H 2 0

16. quotation element

this text is under quotation

17. Keyboard font element

Press ctrl+ z to undo text

18. Delete & insert text element

my hobby is : playing reading

19. Mark element

computer was invented by Charless babbage. So, he is the father of the computer

20. image insert element

21. Figcaption element

printer invented in - 1968

22. video insert element

23. Audio & source element

24. label & 25. input element

26. sample text element

press enter to continue

27. div & 28. span element

Hello everyone, My name is Saranya .G.V

29. data value element

30. Variables element

the area of a triangle is:1/2 * b * h, where b is the base and h is the vertical height.